Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Falls Favorite Colors

Say HELLO! to Cobalt blue and Eggplant purple this falls favorite colors! 

Zac Posen
Jean Paul Gaultier 

This winter catch EVERYONE'S eye with these stunning colors.
Depending on where your going and what your doing will determine what color you should wear out. whether it be a work party, on a hot date, to a play or just going out with the girls.
So here is a bit of color psychology to help you decide when yo add these fabulous colors.

Blue: Blue is associated with depth and stability. It symbolized trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and trust. 
Blue is a masculine color and is highly accepted with males. Blues like this beautiful Cobalt is associated with depth expertise and stability and is widely accepted in corporate America.

So if you have a hot date and want to be taken seriously, or you are going on the interview of a life time this color will help you to get the best outcome. 

Purple: Purple is associated with Royalty. It symbolizes wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery and magic. This color combines the stability of blue with the energy of red. Dark purple can cause frustration. 

So if you are going out with the girls and don't care where the night is taking you, If you want to be bold and appear creative, independent or mysterious rock this color! 

Both colors are awesome and will be sure to turn a head or two this winter. So go out and get a few pieces that will help make your winter wardrobe wonderful! 

Here are few places where you can get these wonderful colors for a kick ass price. 

Those are just a few of my favorite!